However scientists have recently been championing what they claim is a too-good-to-be-true, over-simplistic procedure which will slash STI rates in the population of Greenlandia. Following research in Uganda which showed circumcision could be associated with a reduction in the transmission of HIV, and an associated clammer around the world encouraging the removal of foreskin rather than instilling sexual responsibility in people, Greenlandia's minister for health said he felt that this doesn't go far enough.

End of the line for killer foreskins of death?
"One of the behaviours most consistently associated with the transmission of sexual diseases is people inserting their penis's into other people. While circumcision does seem to reduce the transmission of some diseases, we fell removal of the penis completely will create a major dent in the rates of STI's in our country".
When asked why the government didn't just promote good sexual health in the population the minister said that they had looked into that option but "it turned out that that involved a lot of complex social issues so we decided to go with this one chop cures all approach".
One of the very first Greenlandia citizens to undergo the groundbreaking treatment was quoted as saying "OH GOD, MY PENIS, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, MY PENIS!"
The government is looking to roll out the so called "STI Vaccine" in all newborn infants in the coming year, but it remains to be seen whether this genital mutilation is the wonder treatment long looked for, or is in fact just an archaic religious hangover which has been given a sheen of modern respectability through dodgey science and bizarrely divided social debate.